Name… that… capper, too!

There's an old saying in our community- Love thy fellow capper. It's comforting going into IS and seeing your favorite cappers at the top of their game with their idiosyncratic humor and style. However, you can't very well love someone unless you know them, right? What you see below are captions from twenty-four completely different cappers. Once again, some are notorious (in at least one case, infamous), others not so.

You get the idea: Unite the captions with the cappers whom you think wrote them. Before you give up and are about to jump off a tall building in despair, use the hyperlink at the bottom for the solution page. Now put your cappin' caps on!

Or Best Offer. We've got to make room for the 2004 models!

Bill, I'm just wondering, how are we going to keep the colored and the disillusioned on the flood plain if we don't build levees to contain them?


"I, the humble President of the United States of America, proudly proclaim that I cut the music with so much class... wicky wicky wicky..."

It was a long arduous process teaching the chicken how to breakdance. But on the 5th day, it paid off...

"Let me finish, Ed! What I'm saying is, that it is genuinely fun to stay at the YMCA, that's all"

Two men sit at a desk, talking insurance rates. However, the sexual tension is palpable.

"Can't hear you, chief! I'm breaking up!"

"Did you take the flying monkeys for their walkies?" "Yes. Honestly, I swear I don't know why you keep them around."

“My fellow Americans, on behalf of my entire family and the entire American government, I'd like to apologize in advance for Arnold Schwarzenegger."

See "Frankenstein.. the Mundane Years"....

The real story behind Willy Wonka's EPA violations...

Never stop for barbecue in Texas.....

I am George Bush of Borg, I fly about in a giant oil refinery, your Oil will be assimilated.

"Izzit TRUE??? DiscoBaby Sarah is really BORN???? WOO-HOOOOOO!!!"

They paid their buck. Now they wanna see the chihuahua get some.

Erections can please everyone.

"I'm not going to clean up the kitchen. I'll leave it to Beaver."

Twoface decides whether or not to let Batman live or die...

With a mighty thock, the canopy closed. Soon an arm fell meatily to the tarmac. All in all, it was the worst safety speech Bid Rickles, and Statler Air Academy, had ever known.

There's a factory somewhere in the Midwest just waiting for thousands of people to start ordering those penis enlarging devices.

Emotions of Everyday Living: Being a Female and Looking Like Leonard Nimoy -- Coming to Grips with Never Reproducing.

Here's the area that Ralph Nader carried in 2000.

Who needs trees? This set piece from a grade school production of "The Giant's Garden" will suffice.

Boy, you give up easy!

Home is where the index page is.