.oO Oh, crap, I forgot to mention gleeb's site to the list. Generik's gonna pimp-stick me good tonight! Oo.

I'd be remiss in my responsibilities as a fellow capper if I didn't do some site-whoring for my contemporaries, since they've been kind enough over the years to put me on their sites. So, for any newcomers to this site, please humbly accept these offers of capper hilarity by some of the cleverest guys and gals on the Internet.

Like Caption This! and Inventing Situations except we get weeks to think up caps and make ourselves look like we think better on the fly. Glitterrock knows better.

Glitterrock's companion site. Ever wonder what happens to those great captions you wrote months ago? Well, they enjoy a better fate than your presidential election votes in 2000.

The world of the incomparable gleeb, quite possibly the best and most erudite of all of us.

Zee's site, updated irregularly. The Grand Canyon makes better progress but some people feel entitled to a life. La dee dah!

Agent Moldy's Will Cap For Food, in which one caption from each person is accepted for a weird picture each week. Accessible only through Generik's newsletter. What can I say? I have friends in low places.

The capper's webzine that Wired Magazine called "...a piece of shit. Is this really why God created silicon?" And I like it very much!

Gerson the K's site, far superior to The Sci Fi Channel's Caption This! in that it never goes down, at least on you.

The man who put the Abs in ABServo, a large, quality capper site.

Another large, quality capper site and updated regularly. Hell, I stole his source code!

Dr. Mr. Grant's Capper's National Laboratory, not updated terribly often and just try getting a caption in there. But at the vanguard at the national capper war on terrorism.

Go home, you've had enough, fella.